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Dyskusja - Nadchodz? nowe regu?y gry

Megravin - 2013-02-10, 11:19
Temat postu: Nadchodz? nowe regu?y gry
Jiggmin wczoraj napisa?:
My proposal is this:

The first 25,000 exp earned in a day are gained at 150% of normal speed
The next 25,000 exp earned in a day are gained at 100% of normal speed
The next 25,000 exp earned in a day are gained at 50% of normal speed
75,000 exp is the max that can be earned in a day

* Playing for real, you'll pretty much always be earning 150% exp. This helps even out the gap between players and simmers.
* You can still sim, but it's limited to about 3 hours per day. If you want to sim more than that, you might want to rethink the priorities in your life.
* Damage from macroing will be limited, and the moderation regarding macroing will not need to be as severe.

Oznacza to, ?e:
W ci?gu dnia b?dziemy dostawa? 150% exp (o 50% wi?cej, czyli ?atwiej b?dzie lvl up'n?? :D ) do czasu, a? zdob?dziemy 25000 exp.
Podczas nast?pnego 25k exp b?dziemy zdobywa? 100% (tak jak by?o)
Kolejne 25k exp b?dziemy ju? tylko zdobywa? 50% (po?owa)
Dzienny limit exp to 75000.

Co o tym s?dzicie?

FMPL - 2013-02-10, 14:26

?wietne, szybsze expienie!
Martis69 - 2013-02-10, 15:19

Megravin - 2013-02-11, 12:59

ZMIANA PLAN?W :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As there is some room for debate, I'm only going to focus on giving normal players more exp in this update.

Your first race of the day receives a 1,000 exp bonus
Your first 25,000 exp points of the day are earned at 150% of normal speed
Your next infinity exp points of the day are earned at 100% of normal speed

Czyli nie ma zmniejszania expa, a a do tego nasza 1 nagroda b?dzie mia?a bonus 1000 exp! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Megravin - 2013-02-13, 12:56

Powy?sze regu?y zosta?y wprowadzone!!! (te z pierwszego postu nie) :-) :-) :-)
Opr?cz tego Jiggmin i Fred co? wspomnieli o 11,111 exp artefakcie.
Po DM dostajemy te? survival bonus (co? jak race completed).

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